Mass Times


9am Low Mass
11am Sung Mass
4.30pm Mass with hymns
5.30pm Vespers and Benediction

Monday: 5.45pm Mass (followed by devotions to St Philip Neri and veneration of his relic)
6.30pm Brothers of the Little Oratory in the Church House. Find out more here.

Tuesday – Saturday: Mass at 12:30pm

The schedule of Mass intentions for September can be found here. For the schedule for holy days of obligation and major feasts, please check the newsletter.

Adoration Times

Friday and Saturday: 11:30 – 12:15, ending with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Weekly Devotions

After the 12:30pm Mass, we have the following devotions:

  • Tuesday: Prayers for the beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair
  • Wednesday: Weekly novena in honour of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Confessions are heard before every Mass and also during and after Mass whenever a priest is available.
The church is open from 8am-7pm daily.