How to help
We rely entirely on the support of our friends and benefactors. If you would like to volunteer to help in some way, please speak to one of the priests.
All financial contributions to St Patrick’s Church and to the Edinburgh Oratory Project are gratefully received. We have no other means outside of what we receive through donations.
In order to contribute to the needs of the parish, please donate using the following bank details:
St Patrick’s
Bank of Scotland
Sort Code: 80-02-29
Account Number: 00687306
IBAN: GB65 BOFS 8002 2900 6873 06
IF you are a UK taxpayer, you are eligible to add Gift Aid to your donation. This means, that for every £1 you donate, the parish receives an extra 25p from the government at no cost to yourself. Please fill in this form and return it to the parish so that we can make the most of your donation.
If you wish to donate specifically to the community of Edinburgh Oratory Project, please use the following bank details:
Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh – Oratory Project
Royal Bank of Scotland
Sort Code: 83-06-08
Account Number: 21447970
IBAN: GB90RBOS83060821447970
When donating via your Bank, it is always helpful to give it a description as to the purpose or nature of the donation.
We pray for our benefactors.
Alternatively, you can donate directly to the parish using the following online donation form: